493 Public Service Announcement

Cairo traffic really has gotten worse.

Il fait beau dans le métro.

351 Thanks for the Fish

Yasser, City of the Dead, Cairo

Well, I knew this would happen eventually. My employers have discovered this blog. They haven’t asked me to discontinue it, but company policy requires that HQ vet anything employees write in their own names. Fair enough.

If I’m going to deal with that vetting process, though, it had better be for something more useful than a blog post. I might actually have to get some work done.

I might post a photograph every now and again. And I’ve added an aggregator in the right column that picks up RSS feeds from my favorite blogs and news sites so this space will be updated. But I won’t be writing much here until the next time I’m strictly freelance.

256 The Elder of Cafe Horreya


Some readers like the new stripped-down text design. Others don’t. Choose which ever design suits your fancy.

Click on this link to bring back the Elder of Cafe Horreya and the serif font: http://elijahzarwan.net/blog/index.php?wptheme=Connections

If you later decide you’re feeling minimalist, no need to erase the cookie. Simply click on: http://elijahzarwan.net/blog/index.php?wptheme=Hiperminimalist

The option will live in the sidebar.

192 Blogging from Bishkek

Actually now in Issy Kul, Kyrgyzstan, but that’s not alliterative. Here for a conference of NGO and government people from Central Asian countries. Have spent the past few days riding across the Central Asian steppes, drinking fermented horse’s milk, breathing pure air, and wondering what’s happening in Lebanon. This is a breathtakingly beautiful country. Will write more soon, but it’s hard to find access to the Internet here.

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