558 Hillary Clinton Wins Israel

Hillary Clinton at AIPAC

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Ballots were cast from 164 countries and territories, from Antarctica to Zambia, according to Democrats Abroad statement. American citizens living outside the U.S. who joined Democrats Abroad, an official arm of the Democratic Party, were eligible to take part.

In Israel, which is home to an estimated 200,000 U.S. citizens, Hillary received 54 percent of the total vote among members of Democrats Abroad. Obama captured 45 percent of the vote in Israel.

In the global race though, Obama captured 66 percent, compared to Clinton’s 33 percent.

According to reports, Clinton also won the country vote in the Dominican Republic and the Philippines.


According to the press release, Obama has so far won 6 delegates from the contest, to Clinton’s 3. No word yet on how the candidates did in Egypt specifically, but Obama won the Europe/Middle East/Africa regional vote by a margin of 2:1 (4 delegates to Clinton’s 2).

The 22 delegates representing Democrats outside the United States get half a vote. I’m not sure if that applies to the four “super-delegates” representing Democrats overseas as well.

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